Monday, July 4, 2016

News Update: MagiQuest at the Funplex (NJ) and Tokyo Dome Closing

Bad news, fellow magi: Two of the "legacy" MagiQuest locations are closing this September. :(

The last day for MagiQuest at the Funplex (East Hanover NJ) is September 5th. The last day to play at Tokyo Dome (Japan) is September 30th.

I was tipped off to this news by a video posted by sinkillerj on Reddit. The information can also be found on the venue websites for the Funplex and Tokyo Dome respectively.

If you are hoping to visit either of these locations, please make sure you plan to do so in time!

Read on for some thoughts on the closures...

Neither of us have had a chance to visit the Tokyo Dome location, and as awesome as it would be, a trip to Japan wasn't in the cards for anytime in the near future. We've spent quite a bit of time at East Hanover, though, and have many fond memories of our questing. Magi Lutra and I are both quite sad to see it go. It is an incredibly immersive venue, and much as we like the Great Wolf Lodge realms too, it's a shame to see the older style kingdom realms that were each so unique disappear. It's also unfortunate because the number of places where you can play certain adventures and quests (like the Ice Dragon Adventure or learning potion making from Carren) are diminishing, and magi should be able to experience those stories.

One piece of good news is that, according to sinkillerj, the realm at Pigeon Forge is remaining open and has no plans for closure. That's important because it's one of very few remaining older realms. As of yet there is no word from MagiQuest Chicago (Downers Grove) either way, but absent information to the contrary I think it's reasonable to assume they are staying open. I've e-mailed them to see if I can get a response confirming, and will update if I do.

(Edit: I did get a response. The representative was aware of the closures of the other sites but stated that "We are remaining open, and do not foresee closing anytime in the near future." So that's another piece of confirmed good news! :)

We're really bummed to be losing MagiQuest at East Hanover - and of course Tokyo Dome, though we're less directly affected by the latter. It's really hard to see any sort of silver lining in this bad news. We've become very attached to the East Hanover realm, and it'll be hard for both of us to say goodbye.

MagiQuest will continue, though... and so will our adventures!



  1. Heading to Tokyo Dome right now. We see your post regarding closure and will respond later today with confirmation on Tokyo. We packed wands for the trip before even seeing your post. We are still bringing them today in the unlikely hope that it is still open. We are not optimistic...
